The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Biomedical DivisionChairman's Annual Report (Session 2021/2022)

The Biomedical
Division (BMD) has been gone through a fruitful year of Session 2021/2022
despite the challenges COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to enthusiastic dedication and
active participation of our committee members to continue bringing in support
to BMD.
Division has undergone continuous developments over the past 32 years. I am glad to see the Division’s continuous
contribution as a learned society and sharing platform for the biomedical
engineering field in Hong Kong. To keep
up with the emerging technologies in biomedical profession worldwide, the BMD
has played a significant supporting role in various global events related to
BME in Hong Kong in collaboration with local institutions, the industry, and
the academia in. Besides, the Division also:
1. Supporting
local biomedical engineering research and development.
2. Exhibit and showcase biomedical engineering technologies to public.
3. Promoting knowledge exchange among the academia, industry, and overseas biomedical engineering industry
4. Organising technical training, workshops and visits; and
5. Attracting
and inspire more young students to pursue the profession.
InnoCarnival 2021
this Session, the BMD co-organized with Innovation and Technology
Commission (ITC)
and exhibited in InnoCarnival 2021 during 23rd to 31st
October 2021. BMD was the only HKIE
division joined the InnoCarnival, and I wish more divisions will join this
meaningful event to let the public to know more about Engineers and Hong Kong
Innovations. Echoing to the theme
“Innovate for a Bright Future”, with the support from three co-organizations, i.e.,
Vincent Medical, Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong and Department of Biomedical
Engineering of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, BMD’s booth show the latest
medical equipment, including Hi-flow ventilator from Vincent Medical and
AR-Home Rehabilitation system from CUHK, to allow visitors learn more about
innovations and how biomedical engineers can support to fight against COVID-19.
Besides, Ir Prof Raymond Tong also contributed a live webinar on AR-Home Rehabilitation
system, demonstrating the working principle, biomedical engineering
technologies involved and how people with chronic disease, stroke survivors,
and the elderly can be beneficial from the AR automated training system with
therapist’s guidance.
More than
500 visitors came to visit our booth during this event. As of the increasing
importance of biomedical engineering taking part in the medical systems, our
role hence will become more significant and would like to let the public
knowing more about biomedical engineers and innovations. We have posted our
activity on the Hong Kong Engineer (Dec 2021 issue).
Technical Visit to the CUHK Medical Centre
The Division also organized a technical visit to the Medical Centre of The Chinese
University of Hong Kong (CUHKMC) on 7 August 2021. The visit enabled members to
appreciate the smart hospital, state-of-the-art technologies and equipment used
in the healthcare setting. Over 80 members participated, with 30 members
attending from different disciplines, including Biomedical, Electronics,
Information, Building Services, Environmental, Manufacturing, Industrial &
Systems and Structural, on a first come-first-serve basis. The tour was hosted
by CUHKMC ambassadors, the BM Division Chairman Ir Prof Raymond Tong and the
participants visited different in-patient and out-patient facilities as well as
the auditorium, the design studio and meeting rooms. The latest medical
technologies including telemedicine, 5G technology for surgical image transmission,
RFID technology for hospital asset management were all introduced. Members also
engaged the CUHKMC ambassadors in discussions on the different equipment. We have posted this activity on the
Hong Kong Engineer (Oct 2021 issue).
Webinars, competition
and conference
To support promoting biomedical engineering knowledge and STEM
education, the Division also organized various webinars to committee and
public, including
“Webinar Sharing of recent China MedTech Show” by Ir Raymond Fu;
“Webinar on Major Countries Regulatory updates” by Mr. Billy Wong;
Co-organizer of 廣東省光學學會2021年學術交流大會
organization of EMedic Global competition 2021, organized by The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
organization of 第三屆生物醫學工程創意競賽之 愛.創耆樂, organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
During the difficult time of COVID-19 pandemic, members of our division
have all contributed in their positions to fight against the pandemic. Examples
include sourcing and shipping ventilation equipment, developing and deploying
fever screen systems at border control points, developing mask testing
equipment … etc.
I would like to extend my
gratitude to the excellent support from the HKIE Headquarters and other
Divisions’ enthusiastic collaboration.
The active participation of all of our Committee Members and
stakeholders are also crucial for organising the activities during the
year. In the upcoming year, the BMD will
continue promotion of the field, organising learned society activities and
attract young talents to pursue the biomedical engineering profession. I have great confidence that the new
Committee members will lead the Division to the next era, with healthy growth
and contributions benefiting our biomedical engineering profession, industry,
and community