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Two Biomedical Engineering Seminars in InnoCarnival 2013

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2014-01-02;;InnoCarnival 2013


Two Biomedical Engineering Seminars in InnoCarnival 2013

InnoCarnival 2013, a highlight of InnoTech Month 2013 organised by The Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) between 2 and 10 November 2013, was aimed to enhance public understanding and interest in innovation and technology. Biomedical Division was invited to deliver two seminars on hospital engineering and frontier technologies in medical ultrasound.

Ir Tommy LAM and Mr Stanley SIU of Biomedical Division presented on the topic “Engineers in Hospitals” on 2 November 2013. The seminar gave audience a brief idea of the seamless collaboration between engineering and medical professionals, as well as clinical engineers’ endeavour to secure the well-being of the public. The speakers started with introducing the roles and duties of engineers in hospital for safeguarding the uninterrupted service of hospitals. The engineering facilities and medical devices in hospital contain numerous applications of advanced technologies, which the speakers illustrated integration of engineering know-how and medical application with the examples of electro-surgical unit, magnetic resonance imaging system and minimal invasive surgical unit. The speakers also briefed the audience on the pathway of becoming professional biomedical engineer.

Ir Prof ZHENG Yong ping, Chairman of Biomedical Division cum Professor of Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, presented on the topic “Ultrasound: From Bat Ear to Medical Imaging” on 9 November 2013. Being the only available medical imaging device in the space stations, ultrasound imaging and bat ear share common working principles. Ir Prof ZHENG first introduced the basics of bat’s ultrasound for finding food and to navigation in darkness. With the aid of real demonstration, audience had an overview of the functional information of human body acquired by ultrasound imaging such as blood flow and tissue elasticity. In addition, Ir Prof ZHENG illustrated recent innovations in biomedical ultrasound and ultrasound application in diagnosis and assessment of various diseases including breast cancer, liver fibrosis, muscle malfunction and heart infarction.

The two seminars received positive response from the audience with more than 60 participants ranging from high school students to engineers of various professions. Participants expressed that they gained more insights towards the engineering contribution in healthcare services as well as frontier application of medical technologies. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the organiser and campaign partners for coordinating the two seminars.

(photo1) Two speakers of the seminar“Engineers in Hospitals” (L to R): Ir Tommy LAM and Mr. Stanley SIU.

(photo2) Public audience in the seminar.



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