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Workshop: Novel Imaging Techniques using Ultrasound and other Technology in Paediatric Dermatology

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Workshop: Novel Imaging Techniques using Ultrasound and other Technology in Paediatric Dermatology

By Ms Vivian CHOW and Ms Crystal CHUI


Organized by the Hong Kong Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society (HKPADS) and the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC), and supported by BM Division, the captioned workshop was held on 6 November 2014 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). The seminar introduced existing technologies which provide cross-sectional image of skin and highlighted the latest research findings on skin elasticity measurement.


The speaker, Prof Yong-ping ZHENG, Head and Professor of the Interdisciplinary Division of Biomedical Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, outlined the recent development of high-frequency ultrasound systems which are widely used in clinical dermatology for the assessment of tumoral and inflammatory processes of skin. Prof ZHENG also shared examples of how ultrasound technologies could be adopted for detection and verification of morphological changes in skin which allow participants to learn the effectiveness of such applications in medical field.


Apart from ultrasound technologies, Prof ZHENG introduced the recent breakthrough in optical coherence tomography (OCT), another medical imaging modality that could provide a real-time view on the superficial layers of skin in vivo. With near infra-red light, OCT is used to investigate the skin architecture and to evaluate skin lesions, especially for non-melanoma skin cancer and inflammatory disease.


After the sharing session, participants were led to visit the research laboratory of ultrasound systems in PolyU. During the tour, Prof ZHENG introduced the major facilities in the laboratory including the 3D ultrasound system for scoliosis assessment and the portable ultrasound scanners. Finally, under the guidance Prof ZHENG and his research team, participants gained the chances to use the ultrasound system for skin measurement.


Through the workshop, participants gained a better understanding on the principles of advanced medical imaging technologies. The laboratory tour also showcased the latest imaging techniques in Dermatology. It is expected that collaborations among different parties could enhance novel imaging applications in Paediatric Dermatology in the future.



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